Windows Update error code 0x800c0002

Lately more and more Windows users have complained about the update error code


This error 0x800c0002 occurs spontaneously and can have a variety of causes. Below we have shown you an example error message of the error code 0x800c0002 .


You should try the following options to eliminate the error code 0x800c0002 .

Reset the Windows Update Store

First, we would recommend deleting the content of the Windows Update Store. It is a Windows system directory, which is the name

Software distribution

wearing. All files that Windows or Windows 10 need for a Windows update are stored in this folder. If Windows does not find this directory, it creates the directory automatically and stores the newly downloaded Windows update files in numerous subdirectories and then installs the missing Windows updates from there.

For this reason, you can rename this Windows Update folder with the following commands .

net stop wuauserv
net stop CryptSvc
net stop Bits
net stop Msiserver
net stop Wuauserv
ren C: Windows SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.BAK

ren C: Windows System32 catroot2 Catroot2.BAK
net start Wuauserv
net start Msiserver
net start Bits
net start CryptSvc

It is important that you run this command in a command prompt as an administrator . Otherwise these commands will abort with an error message. These individual commands first stop all Windows utilities that work in the background and are responsible for Windows updates. Then the directories ” SoftwareDistribution ” and ” Catroot2 ” are renamed and the services are started in reverse order.

After all the steps have been carried out, we recommend restarting the system and then you should try to install the missing Windows updates again. Now the update error code 0x800c0002 should no longer occur.

Windows Update Troubleshooter Tool

Another way to get rid of update error 0x800c0002 is to download the Microsoft Update Troubleshooter Tool


The latest version of this tool can be downloaded and installed directly from the link above. You will then be guided through the complete tool after starting the tool and various examinations and bug fixes will be carried out on the Windows installation.

Apply Windows Update repairs automatically

It is important that you start the program in

Advanced mode

executes so that the “ repairs are applied automatically ”. This gives you the highest chance that the Windows Update Tool will fix your Windows Update problems and that the error code 0x800c0002 will not occur again.

– Windows Update error code 0x80070157
– 0x8024000E error code for Windows Update – XML Data Error
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– 0x80070652 error code with Windows Update
