How to make the public cloud a more secure environment

Although there is so much talk about digital transformation in companies , this process is still far from complete, since many are having problems with issues such as user experience or remote equipment management. Likewise, different specialists are recognizing resource problems in the public cloud and the need to increase its use by 20%.

It must also be said that the pandemic has accelerated the adoption of the Cloud in its modalities of storage, processing and analysis of huge volumes of data. For 48% of Spanish companies, the cloud is already their main data repository and, according to the consulting firm Gartner , the market for public Cloud services will reach 397.4 billion dollars this year, and will grow by 21.4% year-on-year until 2024 , as IDC points out .

Safer data in the public cloud

However, we must look beyond the above when referring to the public cloud. Perhaps it is necessary to bet beforehand to reinforce the security of all the information that runs through these internet corridors. A very focused strategy on file security and privacy is necessary.

According to Diego Prieto , an expert in Keepler , a company dedicated to full-stacks analytics services, “the public cloud is today one of the key elements to promote digitization in Spain. As a first step, companies need a privacy strategy to make data-driven decisions and secure their digital assets. Once companies have a privacy strategy in place, they can take full advantage of the potential of their data, regardless of whether it is personal or not. With our services, we are helping European organizations from all sectors to make their leap to the public Cloud, safely, and to adopt the most modern big data analysis technologies, which improve their competitiveness and growth expectations”, concludes the specialist .

cloud computing

All in all, the expert assures that the public cloud is totally safe, but it is a very good option to adapt it to the needs of each one. In this sense, he indicates that having a good governance of the cloud platform in relation to security is essential to be able to guarantee the privacy of all the data that an organization handles.

Prieto exposes his argument in relation to the certain distrust that exists around the public cloud, especially in those sectors whose data is related to personal information, as is the case of the health, financial or retail sector, which has led them to do without of them as a source of value creation for the business.

4 techniques to strengthen security in the public cloud

For those businesses that doubt about the security of the public cloud, Keepler Data Tech proposes 4 techniques that allow making these platforms an even more secure environment and meet the objectives of organizations regarding the security of their data and the privacy of the users. themselves. The company collects the keys in a document prepared by company specialists on compliance with the European regulatory framework on data security and privacy for Big Data Analytics environments in the public cloud .

According to this document, these are the 4 elements that will help companies trust the cloud, making it an essential platform to develop their business around data while complying with the required regulations.

  • Zerotrust . Given the rise and prospects for the future of remote work, companies have found it necessary to constantly control and authenticate those who access the organization’s private network. The zero trust system goes one step further than VPNs, asking users from time to time for their identity, to prevent outsiders from the organization from sneaking into the server and offering a better user experience.


  • De-identification of data. A zero trust model is used in the cloud provider to reduce the risk of exposure. Thanks to this technique, personal identification information is eliminated, applying masking or tokenization mechanisms. In addition, this technique can be used in conjunction with other more popular ones, such as data encryption, adding an extra level of privacy.


  • Data Lakes. Once the data has been de-identified and the analysis objectives have been achieved, the next step is storage in a Data Lake. A Data Lake allows organizations to store massive amounts of information in a governed location, solving the problem of the privacy of the stored data. Sensitive information enters the data lake in a private and secure way, therefore, the risk of exposure to attacks or simply misuse is reduced. In Spain, through the Recovery Plan, the creation of a Data Lake for the health sector is contemplated, a huge digital infrastructure to store health data throughout the national territory.
  • Data governance. The basis for all issues related to privacy and data security to be carried out is to establish adequate data governance, which involves a series of phases such as knowledge of the data itself, planning and strategy around management and, within this, a priority to the field of privacy of the same to guarantee their security and compliance with the European RGPD.
