Whoami – Get information about the registered user

If you want to call up extensive information about the registered Windows user , Windows presents you with the command

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the necessary tools. With the “Whoami” command you have numerous parameters available, which we would like to introduce to you here. The help can you on the parameter “/?” Show how your see below here can.

whoami parameters

Microsoft gives the following as an explanation of what the “whoami” command does.

This utility detects user names and groups together with the associated security identifiers (SIDs) , claims, permissions and login ID (login ID) for the current user on the local system to determine the currently logged on user. If
no parameters are specified , the user name is displayed in NTLM format (domain user name).

Here now the individual parameters including a brief explanation.

Header 1 Header 2
  / UPN Displays the user name with the
user principal name (UPN format).
  / FQDN Displays the user name with the fully
qualified domain name (FQDN format).
  / USER Displays information about the current user
with the security identifier (SID).
 / GROUPS Displays group membership for
the current user,
security identifiers (SID), and attributes.
 / CLAIMS Displays the current user’s claims,
along with the claim name, flags, type, and values.
 / PRIV Displays the current
user’s security privileges .
 / LOGONID Displays the login ID of the current user.
 /ALLES Displays the current user name,
group memberships with the security
identifiers (SIDs), and claims and privileges
for the current user access token .
 / FO Format Specifies the output format to be displayed.
Valid values: TABLE, LIST, CSV.
Column headers are not
displayed in CSV format. Standard format: TABLE.
 / NH Specifies that the column header is not shown
in the output.
Only applies to the TABLE and CSV formats.
 /?  Displays whoami help.

The “/ All” parameter is certainly the most used, because it shows all available information about the registered Windows user . Below we have shown you an extract from a user profile .

whoami / all

The following information is output after specifying the “/ ALL” parameter.

User information:

The exact login name or user name and the associated SID (Security Identifier) ​​are output here.

Group information:

All group names including the SID of which the user is a member are also given.

Authorization information:

All the necessary information about the existing authorizations is output. Likewise, whether the individual authorizations are activated or deactivated .

Overall, the ” Whoami” command offers very useful parameters that reveal a lot of information about the logged on Windows user to the administrator.

If you are interested in other useful Windows commands , please take a closer look at the following articles.

– Shutdown command and possible parameters
– Uninstall Windows updates with WUSA.EXE
– Rundll32 command – Parameters and explanations
– WSUS overview of commands and parameters
– Stordiag – Storage and file systems diagnostic tool for Windows 10 (1607)
– List Windows drivers with the Driverquery command .exe
