This is how Windows 10 can be cleaned up successfully

Computers accumulate an incredible amount of data garbage over time. However, we rarely have the time to look for data garbage in every subfolder. The Windows 10 operating system offers a free and practical function in this regard: memory optimization on the hard disk.

This way, data garbage is automatically removed

Windows 10 automatically provides additional storage space with this function. Users no longer have to empty the trash themselves or even delete temporary files manually. The era of the cleaner programs is obviously over with this.

So that the function can be activated, you have to look in the settings. Searching makes it easy. If you press the Windows key and then type “memory optimization”, then the function should already appear.

If this is not the case, then proceed as follows:

1. Press the Windows key or click on the Windows symbol in the task bar
2. Press the gear icon and open the Windows settings
3. Click on “System”
4. Searches for “Memory” in the menu
5. The option Activate “Memory optimization”

Under “Automatically release storage space” you can set which files Windows should delete. Alternatively, the named files can be deleted immediately by clicking on “Free up storage space”.

Note: The files may also contain data from previous versions of Windows. This data can take up several gigabytes of memory. The operating system automatically deletes these files. Unless you want to keep the current version of Windows, caution is advised here.

Why should data garbage be removed?

There are many ways to get a computer back on track. Over time, the devices become sluggish due to the enormous amount of data. The data is not needed at all, but is still loaded. Below you will find further tips to make your IT applications work properly again. Ivanti IT solutions are recommended for other methods and options .

Exit programs on autostart

Many programs allow themselves to be asked during installation whether the program should be started automatically. This may come in handy at first, but over time the programs grow. Autostart programs should be closed so that the start from a Windows computer is faster. Virus scanners or security programs such as various firewalls should remain unaffected by the settings.

Remove unnecessary from the registration file

Data garbage arises especially when programs are installed and uninstalled frequently. With each installation, the computer makes an entry in the registration file – the so-called registry.

The file is queried each time the computer is started. Unfortunately, the entries are not always removed from deleted programs and so it takes a while that the start takes significantly longer.

Regular petrol users should not change the registry, because irreparable damage to the system can occur. You should always hire an expert for this.

Duplications consume hard disk space

As soon as the free space is running out, it is worth taking a look at the installed programs. Are there programs that are actually no longer used? There are often duplications – two programs for photo editing are actually not necessary. Likewise, three virus scanners are not an option because the programs interfere with each other.

Not all programs can be uninstalled properly. If there is no acute shortage of space, the software can also be left on the computer for the time being.

Can the hard disk space be expanded?

The hard disk can be expanded in any computer. However, this should also always be solved by a specialist. Anyone who changes this file without authorization risks damaging the hardware. Don’t forget to back up your data before doing this.

With all-in-one PCs, the task is many times more difficult and often cannot be solved by the expert. In this case, the computer would have to be sent to the manufacturer. Rather, a local network hard drive for storing files would make more sense.

