Set high contrast in Windows 10

A relatively unknown function is the ” high contrast ” in Windows 10. With one setting you can increase the contrast of your screen display and there are different contrast variants available. This change in contrast allows you to improve the visibility of text and apps by using colors that are easier to distinguish.

How you can change the screen contrast under Windows 10, we show you below in this guide.

Contrast settings Windows 10

First you call using the key combination

Windows & I

Windows key + “I” the Windows 10 Settings app. Then you switch to the area

Ease of use

and then into the area

High contrast

This then looks like this.

Windows 10 use high contrast

Here you can now use the slider

Activate high contrast

activate the contrast adjustment. Then you can see how the contrast changes, in this case it is the

Contrast black

Contrast black Windows 10

About the point

Select a design

you then have the opportunity to select further contrast designs . The contrast designs are available to you

  • Contrast black
  • Contrast white
  • Contrast 1
  • Contrast 2

Below you can see the setting ” Contrast White ” as an example .

Contrast white Windows 10

Below we have shown you the ” Contrast 1 “.

Contrast 1 Windows 10

and finally the ” Contrast 2 “.

Contrast 2 Windows 10

Microsoft has also introduced a new key combination to enable or disable the high contrast quickly. The contrast key combination is


Left ALT key + left shift key + press

After pressing this key combination for the high contrast, the following query appears.

Would you like to activate the high contract

The exact message is:

Do you want to activate the high contract?
High contrast uses special system color schemes to make it easier to recognize screen elements. The key combination for activating the high contrast consists of pressing the left SHIFT, the left ALT and the PRINT key.

If you don’t like the color settings of the available contrasts, you can change the individual colors of the areas

notification type = “notification_info“]

  • text
  • Left
  • Disabled text
  • Selected text
  • Button text
  • background

[/ notification]

also change individually and adjust as you feel.

Finally, here you will find a few more articles on the topic of ” advertisement “.

– Do not show window content when moving Windows windows
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