Quickly disable Windows Firewall command

For certain tasks or when troubleshooting, it sometimes makes sense to switch off the integrated Windows firewall . This is basically not a problem and can be carried out relatively quickly via ” wf.msc “. However, if the admin wants to switch off the firewall of the domain profile, from the private and public profile, it is a bit cumbersome with the graphical Windows interface . We would like to show you below how you can do this much faster using a command line command.

With a command this is much faster. First you have to open MS-DOS Command Prompt as administrator and then issue the following command.

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

But you can also simply call the command via Start / Run and the firewall is deactivated for all profiles (domain, private and public) . We have shown you this in the original below.

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

The correct deactivation of the firewall is finally acknowledged with a short “OK”.

With the following command, the Windows Firewall can of course then be quickly switched on or reactivated:

netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on

If you want to get a comprehensive overview of the current settings of the Windows Firewall, you should use the following command.

netsh advfirewall monitor show firewall

The output of the command then looks like this.

netsh advfirewall monitor show firewall

We have shown you only a section of the firewall output, of course all settings of the domain profile as well as the private and public profile settings of the Windows Firewall are also output.

By the way, Markus published a very nice report on further firewall commands and their parameters on ITLearner .

If you are looking for further information on the Windows Firewall , you should take a closer look at the following articles.

– Export and import Windows Firewall rules
– Configure Windows Firewall using Group Policy (file and printer sharing)
– PowerShell command to deactivate the firewall

Use Windows PowerShell command to query, switch off and on – Windows 0x800706d9 error message – Windows Firewall problems
– Command to quickly Deactivate the Windows Firewall
– 0x80070422 Windows Firewall Error
– For Windows 7 configure the firewall for WMIC remote queries – Use a
shortcut (shortcut) to switch the Windows Firewall on or off
