Query all user accounts information of a local user

Sometimes it is desirable if we can access all available information about a local user account relatively quickly . This is relatively easy to do with a suitable command and we get comprehensive information about all user information . The command to do this is

net user USERNAME

We have shown you the entire process once below.

net user USERNAME

The best way to execute the command is directly in a command prompt. How you can call them the easiest and fastest, we have described in our article ” Run programs on startup via the Run dialog as administrator “.

For the placeholder “USERNAME” you must of course specify the correct spelling of the username . You will then receive the following extensive list of all user data.

  • User name
  • Full name
  • description
  • User description
  • Country region code (000 is the default)
  • Account active
  • Account expired
  • Last setting of the password (date and time)
  • Password expires
  • Password can be changed (date and time)
  • Password required
  • User can change password
  • Allowed workstations
  • Registration script
  • User profile
  • Base directory
  • Last login (date and time)
  • Allowed registration times
  • Local group memberships
  • Global group memberships

If data is missing or incorrect for this user information, you can also easily change it using the “net user” command . For example, if you want to change the description of the user account, the command is called

net user USERNAME PASSWORD / comment: “Windows FAQ user account as an example“

In this way you can adjust or change any user data. You can then use the following English-language parameters for the individual errors:

/ active, / comment, / countrycode, / expires, / fullname, / homedir, / passwordchg, / passwordreq, / logonpasswordchg, / profilepath, / scriptpath, / times, / usercomment, / workstations

You can find more information about user accounts and user accounts in the following articles:

– Deactivate user account under Windows 10
– Quickly switch between user accounts with Windows 10 (Fast User Switching)
– Delete Windows user profiles in the registry
– Edit local users and groups with PowerShell
– Find outdated computers or users in the Active Directory
– Find out which AD User has never logged in
– read Windows User SID (security
IDs ) from all users – determine LastLogon (last login) of a user in AD using Get-ADUser
