Figure 1: There are a few tips that can make the new notebook fun for as long as possible, which can extend its durability. Unless a bad mishap happens, notebooks last three to five years.
A notebook is a commodity. The lifespan is usually limited to a few years and depends on how the device is used. A particularly inexpensive laptop usually lasts two years. Depending on the usage and the brand of the device, it may also be a lot longer. If the device breaks down within the first two years, the user can usually claim the guarantee. As a rule of thumb, it can be said that devices that are used frequently have a shorter lifespan. With average use, a notebook works between three and five years.
When mishaps shorten the lifespan

Figure 2: Worst case scenario: The hot coffee with milk and sugar pours out on the computer keyboard. In that case, it doesn’t even help to be present and pulling the notebook away. The hot coffee can damage components inside.
Small mishaps can sometimes have expensive consequences. If the coffee cup tips over, it’s usually not a big deal. However, if the contents of the cup pour into the keyboard of the notebook, the device is gone. Notebooks are so practical because they can be used almost anywhere, for example on the sofa. If the device slips off the sofa edge and the screen breaks, the device can no longer be used. A repair is due. If the owner of the notebook causes such damage himself, according to a contribution on dieversicherer.de, neither the guarantee nor liability insurance pays. Such mishaps can significantly shorten the life of a notebook. If the repair is still worthwhile because the device is still quite new, it will be very expensive in most cases. Such damage is covered with a special laptop insurance, for example, damage caused by operating errors due to ignorance or clumsiness. Schutzklick.de has the right insurance cover for your laptop. Often enough, it is not the small misfortunes that shorten the lifespan.
The processing of the laptop
Sometimes the lifespan of a laptop is limited for a very specific reason. The same component always breaks after a certain time. A repair is not worthwhile. Such “predetermined breaking points†can be researched for certain brands and models on the Internet. Long-term tests are particularly revealing. However, manufacturers rarely carry them out themselves. The processing is fundamentally important and affects the wear of the notebook. Anyone who uses their device frequently on the go and moves it a lot back and forth exposes the device to certain risks. For example, the display can be damaged when transported in a backpack if, for example, the small spacers on the display housing or next to the keyboard are missing.
The fan not only sucks in cold air
A notebook that is in use for a long time gets hotter and louder and faster. One of the reasons for this is the fan, which over time becomes clogged with dust. The computer attracts the dust from the ambient air. This then settles in the housing and closes the ventilation ducts. It forms a warm blanket around the various components. The cooling breeze from the fan can no longer reach the components and the computer overheats. The result: The device crashes more often and defective components can occur, so that the computer no longer works at all. How to easily clean the laptop is explained in detail on welt.de.
Special measures against wear
Experience has shown that wear and tear is often much greater, especially with cheap notebooks. If the notebook breaks due to worn parts, the damage is not as high as with an expensive laptop. By using external hardware, for example a USB hard drive, the component integrated in the device is protected.
Optimize location, hardware and working methods

Figure 3: The best place for a notebook is on a hard surface. The notebook can draw cold air well to cool the inside of the case. In addition, less dust gets into it.
Computers are exposed to additional stress, especially in summer. The higher outside temperatures make the temperatures inside the laptop rise faster. A shady spot is best to work with the laptop. The device should stand on a hard surface or a table top and not on the legs, the bedspread or the blanket in the meadow. Air-conditioned rooms are preferable for longer work. A fan, which is aimed directly at the notebook, also lowers the temperature so that the device does not easily overheat and therefore crash. If the device is not used for a long time, it is better to switch it off than to leave it in standby mode.
Extend the life of the battery
The battery is an essential part of a notebook. If it breaks, the notebook is no longer mobile. A new battery is usually expensive. But there is a lot the user can do to extend the life of laptop batteries. The service life is influenced, among other things, by where the device normally obtains its energy – from the socket or from an internal battery. It is advisable not to hang the battery all the time and to charge the battery constantly. This way it breaks very quickly. It is much better if the computer is used without an external power source and if the power saving function is switched on. If you want to save your battery and don’t use your laptop constantly on the go, you can remove the battery from the device. If necessary, the notebook is then quickly mobile again.
Figure 1: Pixabay © OmarMedinaFilms (CC0 Public Domain)
Figure 2: Pixabay Engin_Akyurt (CC0 Public Domain)
Figure 3: Pixabay © StartupStockPhotos (CC0 Public Domain)