How to remove or replace a phone’s glass screen protector

Phone screen protectors don’t last long before they need to be replaced. If yours is scratched or cracked, it may be time to buy a new one. However, you may be a little worried about removing the old screen protector for fear of scratching the glass underneath, or you may be worried that the process is too labor-intensive and messy.

It’s actually quite easy. Here’s how to remove your phone’s glass screen protector in no time using household materials that are conveniently placed near it.

How to remove glass screen protector from phone

Before you start trying to remove the tempered glass screen protector from your phone, use a hair dryer on the underside of the screen for about 15 seconds to loosen the screen protector’s adhesive. Don’t overdo it though, you want to be gentle.

Replacing the glass screen protector on your iPhone is easy. Here’s how. Getty Images

Option 1: Get Hands-On

  1. Try to remove the screen protector with your fingernail. Yes, really! Try to lift the screen protector from each corner. One corner should be loose enough to give you something to work with.
  2. Once you have one of the corners to pull up, stop pulling just the corner itself and start moving further along the sides of the protector as it begins to peel off. This will keep it stable and help prevent it from breaking before you can completely remove it. Go slowly as you do this to keep the screen protector in one piece.

Option 2: MacGyver It with a toothpick and a credit card

If your nails aren’t doing the trick, try using a toothpick instead.

  1. Try removing the screen protector in one of the corners, switching corners after a while to see if another one works better. Be sure to point the sharp end of the toothpick up and away from the screen rather than down and toward it to avoid damaging the screen.
  2. If you can pry up a corner, gently pull the phone out with your fingers. Take it easy, because you don’t want to rush the job and tear your screensaver to shreds.

Tip : If you have a credit card handy, slide it into the slot so you can gently lift the screen protector off the phone.

How to replace phone glass screen protector

Once you have successfully removed the glass screen protector from your phone, it is time to replace it. Make sure your hands are clean and gently clean your phone’s screen with a microfiber cloth or alcohol pad, if you have one.

If your screen protector doesn’t come with a solution bottle, you’ll want to try the dry-mount method below. If it came with one, opt for the wet mount method.

Replace the glass screen protector on your phone with these easy steps. Getty Images

dry mount

  1. Remove the sheet from the sticky side of the screen protector.
  2. Align the screen protector with your phone’s screen, taking special care to ensure that it is perfectly aligned with the device from all sides.
  3. Gently lay the screen protector on top of the screen, starting at one end and gradually moving to the other end. Take your time.
    1. Tip : You can use a credit card, microfiber cloth, or the installation card that came with your new screen protector to smooth out any bubbles as you apply it; Start in the center and push the bubbles to the edges of the screen in short, quick motions.
  4. Remove the film from the top of your screen protector. You should see a clean surface.

wet mounting

  1. Take the spray that came with your new screen protector and spray it on the front and back of the screen protector; this will keep it moist during the installation process.
    1. Note : You may need to spray it a few more times while you install the screen protector to prevent it from getting too dry.
  2. Gently lay the screen protector on top of the phone screen, starting at one end and gradually moving to the other end. Take your time.
    1. Tip : Use the squeegee that came with your kit to get any excess solution out from under the screen protector. Start in the center, then gently push it towards the edges. Firmly hold the protector so that it does not move.
  3. Let the screen protector dry for at least half an hour so that it fully bonds with your phone’s screen.

Once you have your new tempered glass screen protector in place, your phone will look like new and you can start using it again.
