How to know how much space applications take up in Windows 11

How much does each app weigh in Windows 11.

One of the great fears of the average PC user is running out of storage space on the hard drive , since the lack of memory not only affects the ability to save new information, but also the fluidity of the entire system. For this reason, it is very important to continuously monitor the amount of memory that is available to free up storage space on the disk drives if necessary. That is why it is very useful to know how much space the applications occupy in Windows 11 , in this way we will have a list ordered by their size in order to prioritize which programs we should delete from our computer.

How to know how much space programs occupy with Windows 11 Step by Step 2022

The first step will be to open the Windows 11 configuration, for this we will have to follow the following instructions:

  1. We click on the Start button.
  2. We enter “Settings” .
Go into Windows 11 settings.

How to Sort Windows 11 Programs By Size Easy and Fast 2022

To get a list of what the apps weigh in order in Win 11 we will have to follow these steps:

  1. On the left side we select “Applications” .
  2. Then on the right we are right where it says “Applications and Features” .
Apps and features.

Now we focus our attention on the right part of the screen and we can «Sort By…» :


Here we will have 3 options available.

  • Name.
  • Size.
  • Instalation date.

Of the 3 we selected the second.

Application size.

How to see a list of applications ordered by size in Windows 11 2022

Now we know how to see how much each program occupies in Windows 11 ordered by a list from highest to lowest . In this way we will be able to know which ones take up too much to be able to eliminate them in the case of not giving them any use.

Win 11 app size.

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