You come home with your brand new brand new computer. After the initial configuration of Windows comes something that divides us all and that is the arduous process of installing the programs you need. Some users love it and others not so much. Word processors, multimedia players, streaming platforms, photo and video editors… Going for a walk through each of the websites, installing everything you need to get the most out of your computer, can be very tedious for some users. For them we wanted to bring you a web page that simplifies this process. Her name is Ninite and she works as follows.

Once we have at least one web browser installed on our computer, we enter the Ninite website through this link. Its operation is extremely simple: all you have to do is select all the programs you want to download, marking them with the mouse. The programs are sorted by categories such as ‘web browsers’, ‘documents’, ‘utilities’, ‘messaging’… so it will be easier for you to identify which ones you need.
Once you have marked all the options you need, you must click on the button that appears in the following screenshot.

When you have pressed the ‘Get Your Ninite’ button, an executable will be downloaded to your computerwhich contains the installers for the programs you have chosen to install. The screen that appears after pressing the button will list the programs it contains, in case you have forgotten one and want to go back to select it again. Next, you will only have to run it and all the chosen applications will begin to be installed automatically, without you having to do anything. If any of the installations gives you an error, it may be because you already have the program in question installed. However, the Ninite tool is not infallible and the installation of some programs can give errors, so we recommend that you try it once more. If it still fails, you’ll have to install it using the traditional method.
Based on Ninite software, you will always be offered the latest most up-to-date version of all the programs you want to install. In addition, the software advises you to save the executable that is downloaded when you press the ‘Get Your Ninite’ button. In this way, every time you run it again on your computer , all the programs will be automatically updated and you won’t have to update them one by one. Furthermore, Ninite ensures that it will prevent any junk installation, be it browsers, utility bars, that include the programs you want to install. In this way you ensure that the installation of the program will always be clean, free of ads and junk additions.
Another thing you won’t have to worry about is the proper version that Ninite will install on your computer. The executable will analyze your computer and find out if you use 32 or 64 bits , carrying out the installation of the indicated program. Among other features that we can highlight on this page, we would find that:
- The installation of the programs will be located where it should naturally be installed, Ninite will not place the programs where it wants.
- The programs will be installed automatically in the language in which you have configured your machine.
- Ninite does all the work in the background, so if you choose to install a large number of apps, you can continue working on other things in peace.
- Ninite is compatible with Windows 7, 8 and 10 .