Trend Micro OfficeScan XG Hotfix 1308 and German OfficeScan XG Version 1406


TrendMicro has recently released a patch for its OfficeScan XG antivirus software . The OfficeScan XG Patch carries the name


and is currently only available for the English OfficeScan XG version . Users of a German OfficeScan installation should read further below in this article.

The hotfix in 1308 from January 2017 includes the following adjustments.

  • This hotfix updates OfficeScan and changes the ” Latest Spyware Scan (Real-time) ” column name to “Last Spyware Detection (Real-Time)” in the CSV file.
  • This hotfix updates the OfficeScan server files to ensure that the OfficeScan server and IIS server are working properly.
  • The TrendMicro event logging cache has been expanded so that all messages can be saved.
  • Changes have been made to the OfficeScan server and the OfficeScan agent so that their communication works properly and these can be managed correctly via the OfficeScan server.
  • Compatibility issues in third-party OpenSSL libraries have been fixed.
  • Errors in the memory management of “NTRtScan.exe” have been fixed.
  • A security issue related to the Google Chrome browser has been fixed.

Overall, the OfficeScan XG Hotfix has a size of almost 1.36 GB and can be downloaded directly from the link at TrendMicro.

OfficeScan XG German version

Trend Micro has finally reacted and is making a German download version available. You can download the German OfficeScan XG version here below.


The download has a size of almost 1.5 GB and can be downloaded directly via the link above. Please note with the English Officescan XG Hotfix or the German update version to the readme’s, which indicate special measures for the OfficeScan update.

If you are interested in further information about TrendMicro OfficeScan virus protection, please have a look at the following articles here on Windows FAQ.

– Patch 6242 for OfficeScan 11.0 SP1 reissued
– OfficeScan Patch 6242 Build 11.0.6242 SP1 with Anniversary Support
– OfficeScan Client 11.0.6178 Service Pack 1 – Anniversary Patch
– Error 0x7FFA528670E3 ANOMALY use of REX.w is meaningless – TrendMicro OfficeScan
– OfficeScan XG Server installation and OfficeScan client 12.0.1222
– OfficeScan XG
– OfficeScan patch 6134 released
– OfficeScan patch 6125 has problems with Windows 10 Clean Installation
– KB3189866 eliminates OfficeScan problem with Windows 10
– Show version number of the OfficeScan server
