Symantec (Veritas) Backup Exec Error V-79-57344-33932

When backing up a physical host including Windows Server 2008 R2 with a Symantec (Veritas) Backup Exec 2015  version, the error message V-79-57344-33932 occurred . Here is the exact extract from the protocol:

Status : Failed Final Error: 0xe000848c – A resource could not be attached. Make sure the selected resource is online and try again. If the server or resource is no longer available, remove it from the selection.
Final Error Category: Resource Error For
additional information about this error, see link V-79-57344-33932

Cannot connect to server name MSSQLSERVER

V-79-57344-33932 Backup Exec

This error message occurred after I completely reinstalled the Backup Agent for Backup Exec on a SQL Server. Everything was set correctly in the backup job itself, and checking the login data also worked perfectly.

Backup Exec credentials

Nevertheless, the error message described came up . Several tests and changes failed until I then changed or expanded the authorizations for the user I had deposited with the registration directly on the Microsoft SQL Server with the SQL Management Studio . By default, the user only had the rights ” sysadmin ” and ” public “. I have now assigned him all rights and then started the backup job again. Lo and behold, it works right away. I find the error message that Backup Exec issues is more than incomprehensible.

SQL login properties

More, very interesting news , bug fixes , tips & tricks about Backup Exec from Veritas can be found here.

– Backup Exec 16 from Veritas available
– Symantec (Veritas) Backup Exec error message (FIXEDB2DDevice, memory could not be deleted)
– Deduplication Option Error with Symantec Backup Exec 2014 Upgrade
– Backup Exec 2012 Snaphot Error 0xe0008526 (V-79-57344-34086)
– Symantec Backup Exec error message 0xe0008488 – Access denied – FP5 for Backup Exec 15 released (revision 1180)
– Hyper-V .AVHD problem with Backup Exec 15 FP3
– Backup Exec – Create SDR disk – Part 1
– Backup job at Symantec (Veritas) Copy Backup Exec
– The BackupExec Management Service could not be started – .NET Framework update error
